As we are here to help provide information that London City Airport (LCA) and Newham Council only tend to provide to 1/2 kilometre of homes around the airport we thought we would post this rather useful information (this is available on the London City Airport Consultative Committee website - but I couldn't find anything on the LCA site surprisingly enough!).
London City Airport are keen to boast the low level of complaints they have received over the years...but as we all know things have changed as of late with regard to the activities, and noise has grown to irritating levels for many communities - we don't want this to get worse. Of course low levels of complaints - may have something to do with communities not knowing who to complain to, I suspect this is even more so for those that don't have internet access. But we suspect that some may have been reporting to their local councils and the complaints may not have been passed on (from our information it seems that many councils are not even aware of who to contact and the procedure), or perhaps some are even being fobbed off at an early stage. So we ask you to please drop Mr Grafton, who is LCA's Environment and Planning Manager a line or two....and copy in Robin Whitehouse, Newham Council's Environmental Officer.
They both deal with complaints about LCA planes or environmental issues - whether the aircraft be on the ground, or flying over your matter which borough you are in: cc or you can write to Mr Grafton at: London City Airport Royal Docks London E16 2PX Telephone: 020 7646 0200, Fax: 020 7473 9588
and Mr Whitehouse at:
London Borough of Newham
Alice Billings House
2-12 West Ham Lane
E15 4SF
Telephone: 020 8534 4545, Extn 25771, Fax: 020 8557 8869
We were forced to re-post this article as mysteriously the item was removed from the blog site, and not by any of our administrators! We'll be keeping a record of these strange IT mysteries, we just cannot think who would want to do such a thing!
We re-posted the original of this item in it's original date place so you will see the duplicate in it's correct dated place further down the page.