FTF have been working hard, pounding the pavements to speak to residents for a few weeks now. Those treks are usually pretty standard, have a chat, post a few leaflets and then just as we thought it was one of those standard days we get some information that we were rather shocked but pleased to hear:
A reliable source within LCA has told a fellow FTF campaigner that they don't want the expansion to go ahead as it is not needed. Why was that we asked, slightly surprised to hear this from one of LCA's own - 'because you see flights come in and four people get off' they said.
And that was not the only one, another LCA user told us that the last return flight they took from LCA was also 3/4 empty! What's more Newham Council also seem to be aware of this and readily admitted that they knew this was the case to another of our campaigners.
What an indictment on LCA, planes almost empty, and to have one of it's own still expressing an independent and informed opinion....oh dear it just isn't going well at all.....
Airports don't die because they are not allowed to expand,
Airports die because there is not the demand for the services it provides.
A reliable source within LCA has told a fellow FTF campaigner that they don't want the expansion to go ahead as it is not needed. Why was that we asked, slightly surprised to hear this from one of LCA's own - 'because you see flights come in and four people get off' they said.
And that was not the only one, another LCA user told us that the last return flight they took from LCA was also 3/4 empty! What's more Newham Council also seem to be aware of this and readily admitted that they knew this was the case to another of our campaigners.
What an indictment on LCA, planes almost empty, and to have one of it's own still expressing an independent and informed opinion....oh dear it just isn't going well at all.....
Airports don't die because they are not allowed to expand,
Airports die because there is not the demand for the services it provides.