Clearly FTF and the level of anger felt by residents across the boroughs has unsettled the PR camp at LCA and the attacks on LCA are coming from all angles - independent of 'us truly' here at FTF. We can't say how happy it makes us to know that they are having to pour more spin out, and that it's costing them a few of those hard earned penny pieces - as more spin equals more insecurity in our books!! And things are looking good at Camp FTF right now...so be heartened.
Oh dear - the freedom of press, free speech, the internet and the power of the real facts is rather surprisingly effective for letting residents know how deceived they have been and how even at this point they have not been told the truth about expansion by those that should be doing so.
The trouble is the aviation spin machine is so predictable - even to newcomers. Corporate bullying, profit focussed projects that rape communities of anything that resembles a quality of life and health - just don't wash with us at all.
They certainly don't wash with this resident who wrote a letter to the Newham Recorder: