Baroness Sarah Ludford, MEP, in response to a local resident campaigner, agreed that the move to expand flights at LCA would "create more noise pollution for local residents, and would additionally be a major contributor to London’s carbon emissions".
Although aviation is still only a small part of Britain’s emissions, its share has more than doubled since 1990 - from 2.5% to 5.8%. If this trend continues, it could be a quarter of total UK emissions in 30 years’ time.
Baroness Ludford goes on to state that one of the ways to reduce this growth is to "limit expansion" and that "the significant reason as to why I and my colleagues oppose an expansion of London City Airport flights is that many of the existing routes served by the airport are additionally served by direct and convenient rail routes, a notably more environmentally friendly alternative".
Fight the Flights welcomes Baroness Ludford's and her colleagues objection to expansion at London City Airport and their support for the health and well being of local residents, and the environment.