How much does it cost a company, like LCA, to alledgedly tell a community that something which is actually very bad for them, is in fact good for them (well for business and shareholders anyway!)?
However, one company -- consultant engineer's MC O'Sullivan & Co -- has received the lion's share of the spending spree. The council paid the company more than €13m for its expert opinion on plans for the new waste-burning facility. A further €5m was paid to RPS Consulting Engineers who have taken over MC O'Sullivan.
It seems that Health Impact Assessor, Andrew Buroni, who wrote the health impact assessment for London City Airports expansion application (who works for RPS) and RPS are laughing all the way to the bank................
No wonder LCA can't afford to pay for their own £7million security and buy a simple up to date street map - ahh poor things!
No wonder LCA can't afford to pay for their own £7million security and buy a simple up to date street map - ahh poor things!