After the utter failure of the London Borough of Newham of consulting ALL residents affected by the expansion application by London City Airport to expand flights to 120,000 this year (and to 176,000 in the future on a further, separate application in the future):
Already, calls for an inquiry have been received by the Government Office for London, one such from ourselves here at Fight the Flights, a local MP and other residents.
You too can call for a public inquiry into London City Airports application to expand flights, simply by writing to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Hazel Blears.
You too can call for a public inquiry into London City Airports application to expand flights, simply by writing to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Hazel Blears.
A public inquiry will benefit ALL residents affected, across the boroughs as currently few residents have been consulted fully and fairly, if at all. The huge majority of residents who will be detrimentally affected by LCA expansion have not even been made aware of the application.
A public inquiry will look at the full implications of expansion, health, welfare, environmental and economic - it is likely to look into the concerns of ALL objectors and make recommendations at the end of an inquiry. But most importantly a public inquiry will make sure that the communities affected are consulted and are made aware of the implications and will enable residents to form their opinion to the expansion based on the facts, not the misleading spin that London City Airport consistently pour out. There will be no room for London City Airport to promote themselves via sponsorships of council adverts or of giving freebies to local community groups rather than presenting the real, honest facts to them.
A public inquiry will look at the full implications of expansion, health, welfare, environmental and economic - it is likely to look into the concerns of ALL objectors and make recommendations at the end of an inquiry. But most importantly a public inquiry will make sure that the communities affected are consulted and are made aware of the implications and will enable residents to form their opinion to the expansion based on the facts, not the misleading spin that London City Airport consistently pour out. There will be no room for London City Airport to promote themselves via sponsorships of council adverts or of giving freebies to local community groups rather than presenting the real, honest facts to them.
If you would like to receive a pro-forma letter to send to Hazel Blears - please email fighttheflights@yahoo.co.uk
Send your requests to call for a public inquiry of LCA's application to expand to:
Hazel Blears
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Planning and Housing Division
9th Floor
Riverwalk House
157-161 Millbank
London, SW1P 4RR