We are told that this decision has enraged the residents of the areas in Greenwich most affected and we have been advised that formal moves are being taken with regard to pursuing the shoddy way in which Greenwich Planning did not bother to ensure that a full consultation was carried out by Newham, until residents complained formally. This coupled with Greenwich Council's Cllr Brook's, the Court Jester and leader of negligence to attend meetings at the LCACC for FOUR YEARS is nothing but yet another kick in the teeth for his voters. Greenwich has let down the residents in the East of the borough in multiple ways and Brooks et al should not be surprised if this latest decision creates a backlash come voting time.
However residents in Greenwich won't be surprised, Greenwich Council is about on par with Newham with their application of 'democracy' and being 'responsive' to the communities.
Greenwich Council Alone
So south of the river, whilst John Austin, MP for Erith & Thamesmead calls for a public inquiry, as do labour councillors in East Thamesmead ward, raising issues such as noise and air pollution - Greenwich - the Greener Borough - ignore the increasing cancer causing fine particles in the air and CO2 emissions overhead with the potential of increasing levels of illness and hearing loss in the area due to 80-90 dbs overhead....
But the good news is that Greenwich Council are pretty alone in their support of expansion plans at LCA- which is a shame for LCA as Greenwich Council don't really hold much clout, or respect at all in the big picture.
Objectors Grow
Objectors Grow
Thamesmead Town have objected strongly to LCA expansion. But even more interestingly we hear through the grapevine that Tilfen Land - who owns much of the land in Thamesmead and plans to develop Tripcock Point into a huge residential development (but as some of it will be in the PSZ - City Airport have told them not to build on some of their land - how thoughtful!) have submitted a full objection through their solicitors - oh how that warms our hearts!!
That should ruffle a few feathers amongst the developers - and perhaps the foolish property pushers (who want to guarantee their big buck) at the sales end, yes, you know who you are, who claim that 120,000 flights won't affect the value or desirability of homes!!
Of course, we couldn't possibly suggest why Greenwich Council, are the only neighbouring borough council not to raise an objection - how very, very peculiar! However, we're sure that the leader of Greenwich council, Cllr Roberts, will have a nice cup of tea with his friend Jim, and it will all be hunky dory!
Of course, we couldn't possibly suggest why Greenwich Council, are the only neighbouring borough council not to raise an objection - how very, very peculiar! However, we're sure that the leader of Greenwich council, Cllr Roberts, will have a nice cup of tea with his friend Jim, and it will all be hunky dory!
If any Greenwich Residents would like to know who the Councillors were, of which we are told none raised any objections, click here.