We couldn't help but notice that Newham are now providing free advertising for LCA on the Newham website. Which is rather a lot more than Newham have done online to draw attention to the huge negative effects that any expansion will have on the communities surrounding the airport. But then that's no surprise to the many critics of Sir Robin's who like Richard Gooding is not showered with wisdom at the best of times.
So far Sir Robin Wales has treated concerned residents with utter contempt by continuing his silence over the whole issue but he clearly is quite happy to spend tax payers money on advertising for LCA. Sir Robin is clearly not a 'listening' mayor at all, well he certainly hasn't been replying to emails and letters over LCA for months now..well that's unless it's to big business it seems.
It is amazing who Sir Robin feels able to 'communicate' with isn't it?! It seems like a clear case of a conflict of interest whichever way you look at it.