A very high proportion of LCA passengers are in socio-economic groups A, B and C1. The average salary among UK passengers was £85,834 - the highest figure among the London airports.

The majority of passengers are from'Docklands' (not a borough in itself and yet compared against other selected London Boroughs in the stats) and the 'South East'. Newham and neighbouring borough's residents do not appear to be significant users of the airport as they are not included in the graph.
All stats from LCA data 2007.
Compare to the profile of the LB Newham after 20 years of the airport operating:
- Average income in Newham - £27,600 (compared to £34.625 for the rest of London),
- It is one of the most densely populated places in the country, with 108 people per square kilometre,
- Newham is third lowest in having the fewest individuals educated to NVQ level 4 and above,
- It has the highest mortality rates for asthma in young people in the whole of England.
- It has the worst housing shortage of all the London Boroughs,
- It is the third most socially deprived borough in England,
- Newham residents put up with extremely high levels of noise and pollution:

It seems apparant that the only contributions that LCA give to Newham are noise and pollution and a £7million bill to Londoners for their security......and that few people in Newham or the neighbouring boroughs actually benefit from the airports operations at all.
It's all take, take, take.