Times are hard.....
Cllr Ayesha Chowdhury
24/06/2008 - Visit to Dublin Airport (travel and refreshments): Name of donor; London City Airport Consultative Group
Cllr Richard Crawford
27/05/2008 - Goody Bag With Book And 2 Tickets To Car Show At Excel; Name of Donor: London City Airport;
Cllr Patricia Holland - Newham Planning Board
27/05/2008 - Complimentary Gift Bag; Name of Donor: Event sponsored by various airlines to commemorate the completion of new aircraft stands at City Airport, Royal Docks, E16
24/06/2008 - Visit to Dublin Airport (travel and refreshments): Name of donor; London City Airport Consultative Committee.
Cllr Ron Manley - Chair of Newham Planning Board
27/05/2008 - Complimentary Gift Bag; Name of Donor: Event sponsored by various airlines to commemorate the completion of new aircraft stands at City Airport, Royal Docks, E16 LCA Consultative Committee
Cllr Paul Schafer
27/05/2008 - Complimentary Gift Bag; Name of Donor: Event sponsored by various airlines to commemorate the completion of new aircraft stands at City Airport, Royal Docks, E16
Sir Robin Wales
12/09/2006 - Richard Gooding 40th Anniversary (Aviation Industry); Name of donor: Richard Gooding Yacht (Richard Gooding, CEO of London City Airport)
19/09/2007 - Hospitality received drinks and dinner; Name of donor: Newham Homes Board (Richard Gooding is Chair of Newham homes, board members include: Cllr Shafer, Cllr Manley who also just happened to get some freebies from LCACC! ).
Councillor's Manley, Holland and Schafer need to correct their entries, Cllr Crawford states the goody bag was from LCA, whilst they claim 'various airlines', which is it?? They should also complain about the missing items from their goody bags: book and 2 tickets to Excel, or did Cllr Crawford receive a different type of goody bag? You can only wonder at what freebies do in the world of local politics, they clearly affect the accurate recollection of contents and donors!