Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Public Inquiry - Justice, Truth, Democracy and Openness

With all the recent events of the past few weeks, it has never been clearer that a Public Inquiry is the only way that the communities affected by an increase in flights from London City, will have access to the democracy and factual, untainted and unspun information that they deserve. So far we have seen some shameful behaviour but we are glad to say that more residents are now aware of the games that are being played and of the expansion application - which was our first goal as a group.

Big business does not own communities, and those communities all have a right to be fully and fairly consulted with accurate information, which is all within their rights of a democracy. It is residents who keep a community going and it is they who have to pay the price when negative outcomes are placed on their doorsteps.

The communities, and campaigners have nothing at all to lose by a public inquiry taking place - after all it maybe the only opportunity they get to hear all the effects of expansion fully explained and assessed in how it will affect them in their homes and areas. But clearly for some, a public inquiry would not be advantageous due to the detail of the full implications of expansion being revealed, much for the first time, and also the cost and time involved.

Many, and we mean many, residents have experienced a consistent level of obstructive, and inaccurate information being poured out to the communities, or at the opposite end not receiving any information at all. That is why FTF formed a coalition of a group of resident campaigners to raise awareness. Raising awareness, providing factual information and asserting rights given to us is not a crime in a democracy. Though clearly some would rather it was.
And what is more we are so pleased to tell you that there are countless other objector groups working on the same cause and it shows - Newham have received an unprecedented amount of objections. FTF is not alone in it's objections by any means - there is a whole network out there busily campaigning. It seems as if it has had the effect of bringing the communities together - divide and rule will not wash here.