Monday, February 14, 2011

This Saturday: Grounded – A session on the future alternatives to airport expansion

Progressive London Conference

This year, for the first time at a Progressive London conference, the future of aviation and the demands for airport expansion will come under the spotlight when leading campaigners and activist speak at a session on the future of aviation on Saturday 19th February at the TUC.

Among the speakers will be Anne –Marie Griffin, Chair of Fight the Flights who have led the campaign against the expansion of City Airport, John Stewart from the successful campaign HACAN who led the fight against a third Heathrow runway, and London Assembly Member Murad Qureshi.

The session on aviation links in with other discussions during the day, including sessions on the environment and transport.

With over twenty sessions and 50 speakers, the third annual Progressive London conference on the 19th February at the TUC is at the centre of the debate for finding the alternatives – of showing that there is an alternative.
Progressive London Conference - This Saturday

19th February 2011,
Congress House, Great Russell St, London WC1H

Register now!
£10 (individuals) £6 (unwaged)